Friday, December 30, 2011

What a Fab Vacay This Has Been

Holy crap!  This vacation has sucked.  Started out with a cold on Day One.  Then, yesterday we rented a storage unit to start dividing and moving stuff from the house.  While moving boxes around in the garage, I had a box in my arms and was stepping over some stuff...only I didn't step high enough or far enough.  Fell flat on the concrete garage floor.  My right knee hit first and took all of my fat-ass weight on it.  Box went flying as I dropped it to catch myself.  My knee immediately swelled up like a balloon.  Put ice on and moved into the house.  Swelling wouldn't go down and it looked horribly deformed and hurt like the dickens.  So, I decided I should probably go have it checked out.

STBX drove me to Urgent Care and dropped me off.  TWO HOUR WAIT!  He went back and finished filling the back of the car and unloaded at storage while I waited as patiently as I could in the Petri-Dish.  I continued to ice my knee because it still was hurting like a bitch.  Finally, after just OVER two hours, I got called back to a room.  Nurse did her vitals on me (kinda dumb since I wasn't sick) and then left me to wait another 20 minutes for the doctor to grace me with his presence.  He decided, based on where the swelling was, that it was possible I had broken the kneecap and ordered x-rays.

Good news...not broken!  He wrapped it with an Ace bandage and told me to stay off it for a couple days as much as I could and keep icing it until swelling went down.  If it was still bothering me after a week or so, then I would need an MRI to check for other damage.

Because of my impromptu doctor visit, we had to cancel and reschedule the appointment with the lawyer.  We had the kids at day care yesterday so we could go see the lawyer.  Grrrrr!

So, then we go see the lawyer this morning.  Got paperwork started for the divorce.  Very mixed emotions going on with that event.

In the meantime, my eyes started itching like crazy.  I noticed after getting out of the shower this morning that my left eye was pretty red.  I put some Visine in it and called it good.  Not good enough.  Seeing as how I had some students out with pink eye just before the vacation started and the itchiness and redness was getting worse, I called my own doctor.  NO WAY was I going to go back to the Petri-Dish for another 2 hour wait. Luckily, I did not have to go in and see him.  He just called in a prescription for me.

So, now my knee is swollen and black and blue, my ribs hurt from the fall, my eyes are red and itchy and I'm stuffed up from a head cold.  The STBX has gone out with friends 3 or 4 times so far this break.  The only time I've been able to see my BFFD is with kids around.  Tomorrow is New Year's Eve.  Granted, my mother-in-law is coming over to babysit (since the STBX has a date with a party bus), but I have NO WHERE to go and no one to spend it with!

What a freaking fabulous vacation!  I can't WAIT to get back to work!

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